YAHOO.namespace("commid"); COMMID = YAHOO.commid; // WARNING: DO NOT PUT A COMMA AFTER THE LAST ELEMENT (breaks IE) COMMID.lang = { "Name": "Name", "Registration": "Registration", "Status": "Status", "profile": "profile", "delete": "delete", "Site": "Site", "view info exchanged": "view info exchanged", "deny": "deny", "allow": "allow", "Are you sure you wish to send this message to ALL users?": "Are you sure you wish to send this message to ALL users?", "Are you sure you wish to deny trust to this site?": "Are you sure you wish to deny trust to this site?", "operation failed": "operation failed", "Trust to the following site has been granted:": "Trust to the following site has been granted:", "Trust the following site has been denied:": "Trust the following site has been denied:", "ERROR. The server returned:": "ERROR. The server returned:", "Your relationship with the following site has been deleted:": "Your relationship with the following site has been deleted:", "The history log has been cleared": "The history log has been cleared", "Are you sure you wish to allow access to this site?": "Are you sure you wish to allow access to this site?", "Are you sure you wish to delete your relationship with this site?": "Are you sure you wish to delete your relationship with this site?", "Are you sure you wish to delete all the History Log?": "Are you sure you wish to delete all the History Log?", "Are you sure you wish to delete the user": "Are you sure you wish to delete the user", "Are you sure you wish to delete all the unconfirmed accounts?": "Are you sure you wish to delete all the unconfirmed accounts?", "Date": "Date", "Result": "Result", "No records found.": "No records found.", "Loading...": "Loading...", "Data error.": "Data error.", "Click to sort ascending": "Click to sort ascending", "Click to sort descending": "Click to sort descending", "Authorized": "Authorized", "Denied": "Denied", "of": "of", "next": "next", "prev": "prev", "IP": "IP", "Delete unconfirmed accounts older than how many days?": "Delete unconfirmed accounts older than how many days?", "The value entered is incorrect": "The value entered is incorrect", "Send reminder to accounts older than how many days?": "Send reminder to accounts older than how many days?", "Are you sure you wish to delete this article?": "Are you sure you wish to delete this article?", "reminder": "reminder", "reminders": "reminders", "Are you sure you wish to delete this profile?": "Are you sure you wish to delete this profile?" }